Wednesday, September 17, 2003

I was part of a family reunion of the Ku clan, which was held at a remote boondocks somewhere in Baguio City. The place was truly beautiful and spectacular. The place was very tranquil, cool, cozy and serene.

It was a regular reunion that I have been observing where family members group together except for an unusual sight where I tend to see once in a while individuals who had some very out of the ordinary appearance.

The facial expression of those few individuals were very gentle and meek. They had very nice and prominent noses and their eyes were tantalizing. They were extremely beautiful and handsome such that I could not contain my curiosity and had to interview them.

I found out that they were very, very wealthy and that they owned the place. In fact, they owned the Araneta Coliseum. I have also gathered that it’s very unlikely that one can fathom their immense wealth and in spite of that you will see and feel their humility and down to earth approach.

They do not have any house help and saw to it that they attended to all the needs of everyone in that reunion.

Another distinct feature that they possess is that they are very short people and they are called by the term NEONONDERTHAL. I was astonished the more upon learning that they also belonged to the Ku clan.

They toured us around until we reached their respective homes. However, we were forbidden to enter their houses, as it was taboo. The houses were quite unusual because although they had windows, they were seemingly engraved in the rocks that made them look as if they were enclosed by these rocks.

I just saw that we were traversing downhill but I could very well feel the desire for me to come back to that place and just stay there due to the peace, tranquility and sheer joy of being there.

When I woke up I instantaneously reached out for my dictionary to check on the meaning of NEONONDERTHAL to which I was not able to find the exact word with meaning but I was able to conclude in my own deduction a meaning worth considering.

In as much as there was no exact word, I divided it into three separate words to which I was able to come up with the following:

NEO - 1. new, modern
2. new form of (Greek neos new)

NON - prefix giving the negative sense of words with which it is
not, reverse of, absence of ( Latin non not )

DEARTH - scarcity, lack

As I then incorporated the words and their meaning, I was able to come up with this meaning - NEONONDERTHAL although the better spelling should be NEONONDEARTHAL would mean – A new beginning or era without any needs or necessities.

Saturday, September 6, 2003

1st – I just saw myself inside a room with people talking about my operation. A lot of tapes have been attached to my stomach and I felt how they were trying to flatten my stomach. I fell into some sort of consciousness as I reached for my stomach trying to feel if it’s true or not.

2nd – I saw in another dream that I was in a bed and beside it was a large container or bin the size of a bed that contained a seeming gel that was colored blue.

The entire content of the bed was being forcibly shoved into my mouth and while it was entering my mouth, another material that was colored blue was simultaneously coming out of my anus. It seemed like a colonic of some kind except that the difference was that they were able to push and pull whatever that matter was, in and out of my mouth and anus.